
Donate to the Lumby Health Centre

Thank you for considering a donation to the Lumby & District Health Services Society, we sincerely appreciate all contributions. Donations are tax deductible too!

Online Donations

Set up a recurring donation monthly, annually or make a one-time donation. It’s easy and safe using PayPal. Go ahead and make a donation now!

No account is needed to make a donation using a credit card via PayPal!

Donate via Mail or Fax

We get it, some people don’t feel comfortable making a donation online. If that’s you, please donate in person at the Health Centre, send a donation via mail or download our form and fax it it.

Download PDF Donation Form and mail or fax it to us.

Where Does your Donation Go?

The Lumby & District Health Services Society facilitates extra health programs that otherwise would not be available to the community.

Some of these programs include:

  • Lab Services
  • X-Ray Services
  • Recruitment of Health Care Professionals to support patient care
  • Foot Care Clinic
  • Mammogram Clinics
  • Diabetes Clinics
  • Options for Sexual Health
  • Workshops & Clinics

Learn More about the Lumby & District Health Services Society, what makes us unique in community health care services and why we need your support.

Fundraising Events

Our flagship fundraising event is the Prescription for Health Walk Roll & Run. This event is a great fit with our directive of promoting health and wellness in our community. Come out and take part or get involved as a volunteer!

Visit the ‘Prescription for Health’ Event Page

We have a several smaller fundraising events throughout the year in the Lumby area. From meat draws at the local Legion to our High Tea and a nod to royalty, our community rallies to the call when asked to give again. We can’t thank you enough for your support!

Please support our fundraising events. For more information, or if you’d like to become involved as a volunteer, please contact the Health Centre.

Please give generously – “Together we can make a difference”